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LTYB Radio Program - July 4, 2014

Series: Listen To Your Bible

Questions Answered During This Broadcast


  1. What is doctrine?  What makes doctrine good or bad?  What is the difference between good and false doctrine?
  2. What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and does it save from Acts chapter 10?
  3. Has the kingdom come or are we still waiting for it?
  4. If the gospel was an event in history (Death, Burial, & Resurrection of Jesus), then how does one obey an event? (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4)
  5. Are we born sinners?  If so, when a baby dies is he or she sentenced to hell?
  6. What is the sabbath?  Are we permitted to work on that holy day?

Hosting: Michael Myrick (Deacon), Clifford Muse, & Mark Ostroff

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