A/V Messages

A/V Messages

Book, Chapter, & Verse Preaching

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to edify the saved, evangelize the lost, & educate us all.

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Displaying 721 - 736 of 736

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/13/11 Leprosy Rhett Moeller Sermon (none) Sunday PM 03-13-11_Leprosy_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3
02/13/11 Journey Of Life: From The Head To The Heart Rufus Barfield II Sermon (none) Sunday PM 02-13-11_Journy_of_Life_From_Head_to_Heart_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3
02/06/11 Are You Willing To Suffer Shame For His Name? Sheldon Smith Sermon (none) Sunday AM 02-06-11_Are_You_Willing_To_Suffer_Shame_For_His_Name_Sunday_AM_Worship.mp3
02/06/11 Study Michael Myrick Sermon (none) Sunday PM 02-06-11_Study_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3
01/30/11 Dreams & Dreamers Rufus Barfield Sermon (none) Sunday AM 01-30-11_Dreams_and_Dreamers_Sunday_AM_Worship.mp3
12/05/10 Christ In You - The Hope Of Glory Calvin Schlabach Sermon (none) Sunday AM 12-05-10_Chris_In_You_The_Hope_Of_Glory_Sunday_AM_Worship.mp3
12/05/10 The Manner Of Christ Calvin Schlabach Sermon (none) Sunday PM 12-05-10_Follow_Me_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3
10/24/10 What Was I Thinking - Dispelling Shadows Mark Ostroff Sermon (none) Sunday AM 10-24-10_What_Was_I_Thinking_-_Dispelling_Shadows_Sunday_AM_Worship.mp3
10/24/10 Removing the Shadows Mark Ostroff Sermon (none) Sunday PM 10-24-10_Removing_the_Shadows_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3
10/10/10 Redefining Marriage James Baker Gospel Meeting 2010 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 10-10-10_Redefining_Marriage_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
10/10/10 Woe Means You're In Trouble James Baker Gospel Meeting 2010 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 10-10-10_Woe_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
10/10/10 Your Word Is Your Bond James Baker Gospel Meeting 2010 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 10-10-10_What_Is_Your_Word_Worth_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
10/09/10 The Importance of Miracles Rod Amonett Gospel Meeting 2010 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 10-09-10_The_Importance_of_Miracles_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
10/07/10 Looking Up: Viewing The Church Brandon Trout Gospel Meeting 2010 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 10-07-10_Looking_Up_Gospel_Meeting.mp3
10/03/10 Repentance - God's Most Difficult Command Bruce McDonald Sermon (none) Sunday AM 10-03-10_Repentance_-_Gods_Most_Difficult_Command_Sunday_AM_Worship.mp3
07/11/10 What Must I Do Michael Myrick Sermon (none) Sunday PM 07-11-10_What_Must_I_Do_Sunday_PM_Worship.mp3

Displaying 721 - 736 of 736

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