

What Must I Hear To Be Saved?

What Must I Hear To Be Saved?

Deuteronomy 4:10 “Especially how on the day that you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb, the Lord said to me, Gather the people together to Me and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn [reverently] to fear Me all the days they live upon the earth and that they may teach their children.”

In Deuteronomy 4:10, the Bible makes it abundantly clear, our God is a jealous God.  He does not want us listening to anybody else, except Him.  Why?  It is because if we do not hear His words, then we will not fear, reverence, honor, and obey Him.  Also, if we do not hear God’s words, then how can we teach our children the way of the Lord?  God wants to be heard and not ignored.  In Deuteronomy 31:12-13, the Bible makes its abundantly clear, God has a law.  We cannot go around doing what we want to do.  Why?  It is because we have a law to follow.  God instructs us.  Therefore, God expects us to obey Him.  If we do not take heed to His law, then God will enforce His law.  We cannot listen to the devil, and be saved.  We cannot listen to the Pope and be saved.  We cannot even listen to the “reverend” and be saved.  Jesus is the only one we must hear and obey, if we want to make heaven our home.  God has a plan of redemption today.  It is this plan we must hear and obey in order to be saved. 

Why Jesus? (Matthew 7:24-27 & John 12:48-49)

Jesus makes it clear.  The word of God makes it clear if we hear and do what Jesus says, then we will be like wise men.  If we hear and don’t do what Jesus says, then we will be like foolish men.  Nobody wants to be foolish.  Therefore, we must do what it takes to be wise, especially when it comes to what we hear and do in the realm of religion.  Jesus will judge us in the last day.  When an individual hears the gospel and obeys not, he has one who judges him.  Jesus’ words are going to judge all humanity one day.  The reason Jesus’ words are going to judge us is because Jesus did not come speaking what He felt.  He did not come speaking what He thought, but He came speaking what God told Him to speak.  God did not say one thing and Jesus was talking about something else.  Jesus spoke, taught, and preached the word of God and it is by the word of God we shall be judged.  Why not believe the Bible?  For the Bible is right!

We Must Hear About The Awesomeness Of God (John 6:45)

We must learn of the Father.  Who is the Father?  God is the Father.  What did the Father do?  It was God the Father who created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).  It was God the Father who created night and day (Genesis 1:5).  It was God who created man (Genesis 2:7).  God created all things and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:3).  God inspired, created, and breathed into existence the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16).  God is an omnipotent God meaning He is all-powerful.  God can do anything, but fail.  What appears to be impossible with men is made possible with God.  Why?  It is because God has all power (Romans 13:1).  God is an omnipresent God meaning He is everywhere.  God is the only one who can be two places at one time.  God is here in the building.  God is also in heaven sitting on the throne.  God is in the heart of the Christian.   God is involved in a war fighting our battles.   God was your doctor in the hospital.   God was your lawyer in the courtroom.  God was your teacher in the classroom.  Whenever you feel all alone, just remember you are not alone because God is with you always, even until the end of the world.  The God of heaven is an omniscient God meaning He is all knowing.  God knows the past.  He knows what has happened.  God knows the present.  He knows what is happening.  God knows the future.  He knows what will happen.  God knows what the future holds.  All throughout the Bible, God said something was going to happen and it happened.  The God of Heaven is an awesome God.

We Must Hear About The Love Of God (1 John 4:7-8)

Everything God does is out of love.  Why?  It is because God is love.  God is a loving God.  God is a merciful God.  God is a kind God.  God is a gracious God.  God is a forgiving God.  God is a benevolent God, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).    Jesus is the Son of God.  When God gave us Christ, He gave us His word because Christ came speaking the words of God (John 3:34).  We as free moral agents have the option to believe on Christ or not to believe on Christ.  If we believe on Christ, then we will have eternal life.  If we do not believe on Christ, then we will perish.  God loves us so much He watched His Son die because of our lack of obedience.  God loves us so much He raised His Son from the grave to give us hope of eternal life (Acts 2:32).  God loves us so much He gave us all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).  God loves us so much He gave us His word to obey and told us exactly what we must hear and do to be saved.  As a result of God’s love, we are without excuse.

We Must Hear About The Salvation Of God (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

God’s salvation throughout the ages has never changed.  In Genesis 6, God chose one man and his name was Noah.  God only saved one group of people and it was the family of Noah.  God had a place of safety for Noah and his family and it was the ark of Noah.  Out of all the people in the world, God had a “called out” group, which was Noah’s family.  God separated His people by placing them in the ark.  So, when the floods came, everybody outside the ark of Noah died.  The only people who survived were Noah and his family.  In Genesis 12, God chose one man and his name was Abraham.  God only saved one group of people and it was Abraham’s household.  God marked His people by demanding they be circumcised.  If an individual was not circumcised, then God commanded the soul should be cut off from His people.  Everybody outside the house of Abraham was spiritually dead because they were away from God.  In Exodus 3, God chose one man and his name was Moses.  God only saved one group of people and it was the children of Israel.  God marked His people by demanding they be circumcised.  God had a place of safety for His people and it was the land of Canaan.  So, when the plagues came, God protected the children of Israel.  When the Red Sea was divided and brought back together, God saved the children of Israel.  When the hypocrites began to show their true colors in the wilderness, God destroyed the wicked and delivered the righteous by placing them in the land of Canaan.  God’s plan for saving man has not changed; it has only expanded.  It went from a family to a household.  It went from a household to a nation.  Now, it has gone from national to international.  Today, God has chosen one man and His name is Jesus Christ.  God has only chosen one group of people and they are called Christians.  An individual becomes a Christian by being marked by God (Colossians 2:11-12).  The only way an individual can become a Christian is by being baptized into Christ.  God also has a place of safety for His people and it’s the church.  Not the club, but the church.  Not the synagogue, but the church.  Not the Christian center, but the church.  Not a denominational church, but the church.  Just like the ark belonged to Noah, the ark of Noah.  Just like the house belonged to Abraham, the house of Abraham.  Just like the nation belonged to Israel, the nation of Israel.  The church belongs to Christ, which is the church of Christ.  Noah only built one ark.  Abraham only had one house.  Israel only had one nation.  Christ only built one church.  In Matthew 16:18, Christ said He would build it.  In Acts 2, Christ built it.  In Acts 2:47, God adds the saved to it, which is the church of Christ according to Acts 20:28 in your Bible.