

What Is A Relationship?


By Antoine Holloway


A relationship is a particular type of connection existing between God & man, & man & man, related to or having dealings with each other. Relationship is the most important experience of our lives. Without a relationship with Christ, we are nothing. Jesus said in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me & I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”


All of us are in a relationship with someone all the time. We have a relationship with God.  We have a relationship with our family.  We have a relationship with each other. In fact, everything we know & experience about ourselves, we understand within the context that is created by our relationships. For this reason, all relationships are solemn. Somewhere, deep inside of us, we know this to be true & it is for this reason, we yearn for relationships with meaning. It is also the reason why we have such trouble with relationships. At some level, we must be very clear about how much is at stake when developing & recognizing a relationship. Hence, we are nervous about relationships.


When it comes to relationships, normally confident & competent people fumble & fall, stumble & stall, crumble & call for help. Nothing has caused more problems for humanity, created more pain, produced more suffering, & resulted in more tragedy, than that which was intended to bring us our greatest joy – our relationships with God & man. Individually, collectively, socially, politically, locally, nor internationally, have we found a way to live in harmony. We simply find it very difficult to get along; much less actually love each other. However, with God serving as the nucleus of all our relationships, we can have the relationships God intends for us to have with Him, His people, our spouses, our parents, our children, & our neighbors.