

Make Time For God

In Psalm 92:1-2, the Bible reads, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, & your faithfulness by night.” 


Have we ever found ourselves too busy to pray to God?  If so, then it is time for us to take a long, hard look at our priorities & values.  It could be that our priorities are mixed up & our values are confused.  A.W. Tozer is recorded as saying, “This day’s bustle & hurly-burly would too often & too soon call us away from Jesus’ feet.  These distractions must be immediately dismissed, or we shall know only the ‘barrenness of busyness’.”  Each day has 1,440 minutes.  Do we value our relationship with the Father in Heaven enough to spend a few of those minutes with Him?  God deserves that much of our time & more.  Is He receiving it from us?  I pray that He is, for “a person with no devotional life generally struggles with faith & obedience” (Charles Stanley). 


As we consider our plans for the days & weeks ahead, it is important that we organize our lives around this very simple principle: “God First!”  “The busier we are, the easier it is to worry, the greater the temptation to worry, the greater the need to be alone with God” (Charles Stanley).  For the reasons of making God the priority & avoiding worry, Christ provided much wisdom regarding this in His Sermon on the Mount.  Listen to your Bible!  In Matthew 6:33, the Bible reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God & his righteousness, & all these things will be added to you.”  When we place the Creator where He belongs, which is the very center of our day & life, then the rest of our priorities will fall into place.


Just remember: “There is an enormous power in little things to distract our attention from God” (Oswald Chambers).